June 3, 2009. The day I turned twenty-eight.
I always look forward to this day every single year. Who does not?
This is a special time where everyone seems to be nicest to you. You get to have birthday greetings at the stroke of 12 midnight, phone calls from all over the world, text messages from family and friends, birthday wishes posted on your facebook and friendster, emails and e-cards, hugs and kisses, gifts and encouragement, and of course a great deal of favors that you get to ask from people. Ha!
Aside from the benefits mentioned above, I also have the privilege to go on a birthday leave. But this year, I decided to postpone it until next week in time for my Bacolod trip.
For the first time, I actually did not plan for any celebration in Makati this year. Traditionally, I spend my birthday with my family in Bacolod and the week after I celebrate with my friends in Makati. But not this time.
So how did I exactly spend my day?
June 2, after my MBA evening class, I hung out with Richlyn in her condo unit. She ordered dinner for me and I stayed there until past midnight--June 3.
I went home (just a floor away from Rich's) about 12:15 in the morning and spent time reading my bible until 1am. I went to bed, said a short prayer and was off to dreamland.

I was sound asleep until I heard a strange noise coming from a cellphone. It was singing happy birthday to me. Next to me was Pia singing happy birthday. I could hardly open my eyes but in a glimpse I saw Len, Tin and Klaire standing beside the bed wearing party hats and holding the cake and balloon. Then I asked, "What time is it?" They replied, " 5 am!" WHAT?!!!!! 5 in the morning?! Come on! But I had no choice. I had to get up, get my camera and blow the birthday candle. Guess what, they made breakfast, too. It was indeed a pleasant surprise. Thanks Morning Girls!
When everyone was off to work, I stayed behind and prayed. I told the Lord, "This is the day that you have made for me, I will choose to rejoice and be glad in it!" then I went back to sleep.
Just before lunch, I went to Amici and bought food for my officemates. Technically, I did not apply for a birthday leave. Like I said, I intend to avail it next week. So I went to work. Again, for the first time.
I checked some emails and was blessed beyond words to have received my friends' greetings...with matching pictures!
Here are some of their prayers and encouragement:
From Shai: As you stretch to the next level, I pray for more of God's wisdom and presence in your life and I trust that you will give birth to more in the future. I knew that our Father is elevating you

From Sean and Apra: God bless you always. He will always have the pleasure to look after you.
From Roche: It is my prayer that God will reveal more of Himself to you and that you
will embrace His calling for you. I pray for wisdom, strength and courage as you go on this journey of life with JESUS. May His light shine upon you wherever you go.
From Sasah: I pray that you will enjoy your special day, that your heart and spirit may be quieted by God's peace that transcends all understanding.. May He continue to equip you, mold you and prepare you for everything He has so carefully planned out for you.. And may you continue to have that courageous spirit to steadfastly obey His commands.. And with everything that you are going through right now, wherever you are in your walk with God, whatever things you are working at right now, may they always be with a sense of adventure and may it be brimming full of life... An overflow of His blessings and goodness and faithfulness and grace and wisdom is my prayer for you...
From Chona: I'm so thankful to our Lord for sharing your life to me most especially in bringing my Christian life to a more mature one.
From Richel: I know that each one of us has this call to honor God in every aspect of our life and to be fruitful in displaying God's character and in disciple reproduction. What makes you different is that you serve your purpose with passion, no wonder why inspiteof many adversities I can still see you enduring and so consisitent in doing what God has called you to do. Roche is right when she said you are a blessing to us bcoz you really are, in fact, just by looking at you and at your fruits, it gives me strength and encourage me to carry on.
Now allow me to return to you the God's favor by speaking blessings unto your life.
Father, thank you for the life of Jaja and thank you for we are now reaping the
works of her labor. It is you who gave her the wisdom, strength and authority
to fish for people and lay other poeple's lives at your feet. Now Lord, by the same
authority you have given me to speak blessings, im calling on to all the angels
and all the mighty people of God to agree that Jaja will continue to have
wisdom just as the kind of wisdom Solomon had in order to better administer
God's love for His people. That Jaja will also have the strength and the heart
the same as those you have given to David all the days of her life. You will give her the
authority like the authority of Timothy that even in his young age he has become
a mighty man of God. And also Lord, the humility of Moses, the faith of Abraham,
the experience of Enoch, the long years of Methuselah be upon this woman.
In Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.
From Uncle Paul: May you day be full of God's blessings. Hope you have friends and family to celebrate this special day with you. I wish I was there, we would have a great birthday party for you.
From Harry: I am glad to be found with you in THYMarketplace. As I am enriched by your Faith and Love for the Lord in the ministry, may He shower you further with blessings upon blessings and grace upon grace as you seek Him and His will more and more in your life. Your faith in Him is a shining example to emulate because you try to live your life ever pleasing to His eyes. Praise be to the Most Loving God, who anointed this day to be your Birthday!
From Logen: We really are so blessed to have you. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God. I believe God has prepared greater things for you and your family. Continue to shine for Jesus!
From Marita and Elijah: We bless you with all the abundance of heaven's bounty made available for you by our Great God. Enjoy life!
There! More than anything else, my prayer was for my family and friends to know and experience how good and awesome the Lord is. I pray that they will experience the sweetness of His love every single day of their lives.
My friends wanted to celebrate my birthday so due to insistent public demand, I was forced to have dinner with them (I just wanted to book myself in a hotel and rest but I know they will hunt me down). So I got ready for the evening celebration and we chose to hold it at Shakey's. Actually, I was just invited. So I came.

Roche hosted the informal party. With the acoustic guitar and beatbox ready by Mark and Jun, respectively, MyGirls (Pia, Roche and Dhet) hit the note singing On My Knees.
I knew they didn't have the time to practice but they gave their best anyway and it blessed my heart. Dhet's prayer was really heartfelt and powerful. I didn't realize that I really made an impact in her life. Thank you Lord for using me to bless then in many ways.
It was a blessed night. My friends' encouragement and prayers captured my heart and reminded me of God's love and faithfulness. I pray that whatever God is doing in my life, I would be able to incrementally increase my contribution in their faith-journey.
I'm glad that simple birthday celebration happened. I pray that I will always find reasons to celebrate life... to celebrate Christ in my life. After all, it is about Jesus...and Jesus alone.
Oh, there is one thing that I always always get excited to have for my birthday--a verse that will guide me throughout the year. So I'm letting His Word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path this year...

But let those who love Him be like the rising sun in its might. Judges 5:31b
Celebrating Life!